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Voice Studio Guidelines

Revised 2015

Welcome to our Alpert Studio Singing program! We are excited and honored to lead you on this journey of musical and personal growth. Please take the time to read our studio guidelines, and be sure to ask if you have any related questions.

Program Tuition Installments
Your participation is based on at least 44 lessons during the course of the year. Tuition is is payable in equal monthly, quarterly or semi-annual installments, and will always be the same amount, regardless of number of weeks in a month, holidays, vacations, etc.

Missed Lessons or Cancellation with less than 24 hrs notice
When you cancel right before a lesson, or worse, do not call at all, I cannot fill that lesson spot with someone who may sincerely need that time. The time goes unused, and an important part of my livelihood is erased. With 24 hours or more notice, another student is afforded the opportunity to use your slot. Remember that at some point, you might yourself need such a special time slot!

If you are ill the day before a lesson, call immediately. Emergencies notwithstanding, most unexcused absences due to illness are avoidable. In the case of a scheduled doctor’s appointment, please call as soon as you know you’ll need to miss a lesson. This will provide you with the opportunity to use another open slot.

If you provide ample notice, we will reschedule up to two regularly scheduled lessons that you must miss during any 60 day period. Any/all scheduled lessons that are missed due to the teacher’s schedule will be rescheduled at a mutually convenient time.

Work/School Schedules
Your voice lesson represents a primary commitment on your part. If you have a full or part time job, do not accept a work assignment that possibly conflicts with your lesson. If you are unable to make that commitment, the studio can not offer you a regular time slot. Instead, your slot will be offered to a student on the waiting list, and you’ll be offered lessons on a time available basis. The above also applies to school activities.

Students are expected to practice and listen to assigned music at least 5 times each week, and preferably every day. Voice lessons produce meaningful results when student follows the prescribed course of study in good faith. Failure to do so on a regular basis can lead to dismissal.

Payment can be made with check/cash on a monthly, semi annual or quarterly basis. Payments are due at the first lesson of each pay period. A $20 service charge will be assessed for returned checks. In addition we offer convenient and secure automatic monthly payment by credit card. Tuition payments are not refundable. If you participate in a program with automatic recurring charges, you must notify the studio in writing two weeks prior to the first day of a payment period to cancel your participation in the program without charge.

There will be two studio recitals per year, and all students are required to participate. A separate recital fee will be assessed, payable prior to the recital. For families attending recital events: show your courtesy to performers by staying until the end of the event. If you must leave early, please wait until a suitable break in the performance, and minimize disruption by sitting at the back of the hall.

Study during the summer is crucial for students to continue their progress. The summer term is part of the regular course of study. Please indicate in writing any time you may not be available for lessons, due to trips/vacations.

Studio Philosophy
Our studio is designed around the serious music student. Yes, music, lessons and performing can be fun, but remember that we are striving for sustained progress with a high standard of excellence. You are responsible to:

• Attend every scheduled lesson
• Bring music, notebook and materials
• Be organized and take notes
• Practice consistently and demonstrate progress
• Provide 24 hours notice if you are unable to attend a lesson for any reason
• Keep my phone numbers handy and/or programmed in your mobile phone
• Pay tuition each week, month, or as agreed.

Should you have any questions, here is my contact information.

Best Musical Wishes,
Melanie Alpert

Residence Phone: (805) 254-2704
Mobile Phone: 909-615-4426