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All Posts by billalpert

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Aug 08

New Class Sept. 2013: Violin Motions and Notions

By billalpert | Events , Studio News

alpert studio group violin class

The Alpert Studio of Violin is pleased to offer a new learning opportunity for violin beginners, age 5 – 11.

  • Weekly lessons delivered online. You can learn, practice, review with unlimited access.
  • Monthly in-person group lessons from a qualified, Suzuki certified instructor
  • Direct access to your instructor for support, or if you get stuck
  • Live performance opportunities.
  • A parent can enroll free and is encouraged to do so!
  • Monthly tuition only $60 (or $300 for six months.)

If your child is interested in violin, Motions and Notions is a great opportunity for families who want an enjoyable, low stress yet comprehensive introduction to the violin. Our super-organized lesson plans will make practicing a breeze,  enjoyable for student and parent alike. Monthly in studio meetings are held to reinforce those lessons, and make sure your child is getting off to a great start.

Violin Motions and Notions is unlike any other online violin program, because you get direct access and support from a qualified instructor.

First class meeting in September 2013 • Enroll now to ensure your spot. Participation will be limited to ensure a quality experience.


Jun 11

Violin Student Summer Schedule

By billalpert | Studio News

Dear Students and Families:
Here is the Summer 2013 violin studio schedule:
June 17-21, no violin lessons
as I will be at the Intermountain Suzuki Institute. Voice lessons will continue as normally scheduled.
Violin lessons resume on June 24, though some lessons may be rescheduled during the week of July 1, due to the Independence Day holiday.
Weeks of July 8 – 19:
Summer break for the studio, no violin or voice lessons
Violin Lessons Resume on July 22 throughout the remainder of the summer.
The summer vocal schedule can be read here. Contact Mrs. Alpert if you have any questions.
As always, your normal monthly tuition applies.
Thank You,
Mr. Alpert


May 12

Studio Recital Reminder and Vocal Studio Summer Schedule

By billalpert | Events

The Spring/Summer Recital will be held on Saturday June 8th, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. at the Recital Hall. Rehearsal with piano will be held on Friday June 7th starting at 4:30, the Recital Hall. (times will be assigned).

Voice schedule for May and June as well as Summer Break:

There will be no lessons the week of May 20th through Memorial Day (my son Brandon is home!!!). Lessons will resume Tues. May 28th and continue this year until Thurs. June 27th. I would encourage all of you who are available, to continue your study through as much of the summer as possible. To progress you need to reinforce what you are learning on a daily basis and sometimes nothing can do more damage than taking two full months off from singing/practice. Please seriously consider this fact when planning your summer schedule.
If you have a conflict or vacation before this time, please let me know as soon as possible.

Vocal Studio Summer Break 

Our summer break will begin on Monday July 1st and voice lessons will resume Monday August 5th.

I know with the many different school districts I deal with, your particular break may be different. I would just ask that you contact me as soon as you know your summer and beginning of school schedule to see if you will be available for these dates. It is always tricky scheduling your days and times so first come first served.

See you soon,
Melanie Alpert
p.s. A separate summer schedule for violin students will be posted soon!
Feb 16

Important Dates for the Alpert Studio

By billalpert | Studio News , violin , voice

It’s shaping up to be a busy Spring at the Studio. Please make a note of the following dates:

Our Spring/Summer Recital will be held on Saturday, June, 8 at 4:30 p.m. • Save the date, as all students are expected to participate.

Spring Event Summary:

Spring Break – March 18-22: No lessons for voice or violin

San Bernardino County Solofest (voice and violin) – April 6/April 13 - Application Deadline March 22: Information

Suzuki Violin Graduation – April 28 - Recordings due in March - Information

Great American Songbook Competition (High School Vocal Students) - Videotaping on Saturday, March 16 – Deadlne for Entry: March 31 - Information

Spring/Summer Recital – Saturday, June 8, 4:30 p.m. – Rehearsal on Friday, June 7, times tba


Feb 09

Alpert Studio at SCVA Solo Vocal Competition

By billalpert | Studio News , voice

Alpert Studio at SCVA Vocal Competition

It was a great day for the Alpert Studio of Voice family, four of our students participated in the SCVA Solo Vocal Competition, and all advanced to the competition finals with a “superior” rating. Pictured are Kenzie Petschow, Miranda Ford, Melanie Alpert, Cameron Muller and Kelly Muller. Nice job everyone!

Jan 03

Voice Lesson Schedule Change

By billalpert | Studio News , voice

Due to my knee surgery, the start of voice lessons will be delayed one week. Lessons will resume the week of January 14, according to normal schedule.


–Melanie Alpert

P.S. Violin Lessons will resume as scheduled, on the week of January 7.

Dec 02

Violin Schedule for December

By billalpert | Events , Studio News , violin , voice

Happy Holidays from the Alpert Studio

Photo: A. Bloom (click to enlarge)


Violin students: our work for the year isn’t over quite yet!

Violin Lessons will continue through December 14th. There will be no lessons between December 15 and January 4. Lessons will resume according to normal schedule on January 7, 2013.

Please remember that this is my normal December teaching schedule; regular tuition applies for December, as your annual tuition is simply divided into 12 monthly payments.

Congratulations to all our violinists and singers on a wonderful recital performance! Remember to share your talents and continue to sing and play through the holiday season.

Happy Holidays to the entire student family!

Nov 14

Winter Recital Reminder

By billalpert | Studio News , violin , voice

It’s recital time! This year’s Winter recital will be held on: Saturday, December 1 at 5:30 p.m. (rehearsal November 30 approx. 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.)

Rehearsal for this year’s recital will be on Friday, November 30. The rehearsal will start approximately around 4:30 at the recital hall and we hope to finish up around 6:30ish. You will be given a rehearsal time slot during the month of November.

Remember our new studio location: Rehearsal and Performance will be held at 10722 Arrow Route, Suite 616; directions and map may be found here: 

Thanksgiving Week: Remember, no regular voice or violin lessons will be held during Thanksgiving week.

Happy Holidays,
Bill and Melanie Alpert
holiday food
Nov 01

Voice Lesson Schedule for November and December 2012

By billalpert | Studio News , voice

Hello Everyone,

Here is the voice lesson schedule for November and December. In November, there will no lessons Nov. 19th through the 23rd. Happy Thanksgiving! They will resume the next week and then regular scheduled lessons will end after the recital on Dec. 1st for the Holidays and resume the week of January 7th.

I know there are some of you that have competitions and college auditions coming up, so if you need a voice lesson after Dec. 1st and before Dec. 14th, please let me know at your last regularly scheduled lesson. These lessons will be by appointment and may not be at your regular time.

Best Wishes for a wonderful holiday season to each and every one of you!

–Melanie Alpert

holiday food

Oct 31

Violin Lesson Schedule for November and December 2012

By billalpert | Studio News , violin

Dear Students and Families:

Here is my violin teaching schedule for the next two months:

There will be no violin lessons between Nov. 19th through the 23rd. Happy Thanksgiving! Lessons will resume the following week, and continue through December 14th. There will be  no lessons between December and January 4. Lessons will resume according to normal schedule on January 7, 2013.

Please remember that these are regularly scheduled breaks in my teaching schedule; normal tuition applies each month, as your annual tuition is divided into 12 monthly payments.

Last, but not least, remember to play your instrument during the holidays! Use the time for review, polishing up songs or just playing holiday tunes for fun.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

–Bill Alpert  Â